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Students uncover and experience the mechanism of Mendelian genetics with Wisconsin Fast Plants . In the Guided Investigation, students germinate the F1 and F2 generations of a population to learn about the inheritance of traits. In the Inquiry Investigation, students must design an investigation to determine the genotype of an unknown sample of Wisconsin Fast Plants seed. Kit includes enough materials for 8 groups. Unit Connection Unit 5: Heredity, topic 5.3: Mendelian Genetics Standards Connection IST-1 Heritable information provides for the continuity of life. Time Requirements The Pre-Lab takes approximately 30 minutes of preparation, the Guided Investigation takes approximately 25 minutes of preparation 3 days before the lab and 30 minutes the day of the lab, and the Inquiry Investigation takes approximately 45 minutes of preparation. The Pre-Lab takes approximately 60 minutes. The Guided Investigation takes approximately 60 minutes on each of 2 days, 3 days apart. The time